

Seite 1
  • Aloha

    Thankful for the breath of life
    • Aloha

      Thankful for the breath of life


“ALOHA” is the Hawaiian way, to greet each other and to remember being thankful every day for the BREATH OF LIFE. However, ALOHA has a deeper meaning and is much more than a simple greeting. ALO means ‘life’ and HA means ‘breath’ so ALOHA stands for ‘breath of life.’ When we say ALOHA to each other, we actually say: “I am happy to see you filled with the breath of life and with energy.” ALOHA is a deep feeling – a knowledge that seems to be forgotten by the world. ALOHA is unconditional LOVE, an energy and an attitude we need in order to be able to heal other people.


“MANA” is spiritual life force, a power that guides us while performing this ancient healing work. Mana is a force, an energy, that flows through us if we apply the correct PULE (prayer) and OLI (chanting) protocol. A direct link is formed with all AKUAS (Göttern), KUPUNA (ancestors) and those higher powers that support us in every moment of this holy service to our neighbor.

Source: Kumu Allen Elia Alapa’i, Kauai